Today's New Moon in Libra calls upon us to find balance in our hearts, minds, & lives.

Libra is the archetype of balance and is symbolized by the scales. It has a strong need for maintaining peace and stability and is motivated by justice. In order to have a happier, more fulfilled and easier life, we must learn to use both our hearts and minds equally. When we lead with our minds, we miss out on hearing the softer side & the intuitive guidance, that our hearts have to offer.

It really is all about balance!

The Libra energy allows us a space in time to find balance and harmony between intuition and rationality, in relationships and in our connections with others, as well as with nature and the Universe.

If we do not properly attend to our own needs, we can bring discord, disharmony and unbalance into our lives. Not being in touch with ourselves, not knowing what we need in order to thrive, or even not being honest about it with ourselves and others all contribute to us being out of balance.

This Libra New Moon gives us the opportunity to create that balance.

We can do this best by reflecting on our lives...where are we out of balance and what actions need to be taken in order to bring balance back into our lives?

Use this New Moon and the opportunities and energy it brings change behavior patterns that are not working for you, or that are causing disharmony & unbalance.

Now is the time to make new goals for the month ahead as well as adjustments to current unfulfilled goals. Revisit your intentions...add on to them and refine them where need be.

Last but certainly not least...

Go out into nature, take your shoes off and walk in the grass, jump in a pile of leaves, go for a walk, go hiking, go leaf peeping... If nothing else, simply step outside tonight and if even for a minute, enjoy the darkness of the New moon, the brightens of the stars and (hopefully) the crisp, cool, October air.

If you need any magical assistance, I am available for New Moon Castings both tonight and tomorrow night. All orders placed after 11:00 p.m. EST. will be cast the following evening.

Today’s New Moon is extremely lucky and holds a lot of potential, so is a fabulous time for a New Moon Casting.

The effects of the October 19 New Moon lasts for four weeks, until the New Moon on November 18th. The optimal time for beginning something new...new projects, new goals, new relationships, new businesses, etc. is during the waxing phase of the New Moon cycle, which in this case is from tonight's New Moon (October 19th) until the next Full Moon, on November 4th.

Whatever you conjure up during this New Moon is favored to be successful, abundant & prosperous by the time the next Full Moon rolls around.

Happy New Moon & Many Blessings, 

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