November 29th Brings a Sagittarius New Moon plus a Powerful Moon Wobble
Tomorrow's strong New moon energy will awaken the adventurer in all of us, though it will have a greater affect on people born in the signs of Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo & Pisces. We can benefit most by focusing on a few of the positive traits of the Archer and consider how to incorporate these qualities into our lives... How can we be more optimistic, independent, enthusiastic, adventurous, honest and outspoken?
A New moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new 28 day cycle in which all things are possible!
The influence of this New moon will last for four weeks up to the next New moon, on December 29th, though the best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of a New moon cycle. This waxing phase of the moon lasts from November 29th until the Full moon on December 13th.
Take advantage of this energy by revising your goals and making new plans for the future.
Question old habits, behaviors and beliefs as you search for new and inventive ways to make progress in your will be glad you did...for those who dare to be adventurous during this lunation will reap the rewards in two weeks time, with the coming of the full moon.
Moon Wobble begins on November 29 but can be felt between 11/24 - 12/4
A lunar libration, or moon wobble, produces a very powerful energy similar to that of an eclipse and stirs emotional energy in the atmosphere as well as within us.
This atmosphere is ripe for creating new alliances and shifting our perception of how we relate to our community and to the world at large. In this lunar cycle try to make new contacts as well as reach out to old friends. Break free of inhibitions, let others see the real you and speak your true feelings.
We learn the most when we can keep an open mind and are receptive to other ideas and perceptions
Because November’s Moon Wobble occurs in the sign of Sagittarius, debates could easily become heated, as we are more susceptible to losing track of logic and letting our emotions get the best of us. If we find ourselves butting heads with others, we will be more successful if we pull back and listen other point-of-views....we can agree to disagree, if need be...but we should be careful to not react, or more likely...overreact, if we are emotional.
It is easy to get lost in the details of day to day life, but when we do so, it prevents us from moving forward, making progress and from achieving our goals
The Sagittarius New moon energy combined with the moon wobble allows us to find ways to transcend the mundane, day to day routines. It restores our faith, hope and vision for our future and gives us a chance to make some real progress in our lives! Take advantage of this energy and address any issues that are holding you back with a NEW MOON SPELL CASTING.