New Moon Supermoon in Earthy Taurus |
It's the perfect time to set your intentions and manifest your desires, especially those that contribute to your personal comfort, stability & happiness. There hasn't been a New Moon this strong in quite some time! Use the Supermoon energy, greatest on the 25th, 26th and 27th, to tap into and harness your true potential with Magic & Positive Energy. |
April 26th presents the first supermoon of 2017.A supermoon is defined as a Full or New Moon which occurs with the moon at or within 90% of it's closest approach to Earth; also referred to as Perigee, which means near Earth. This year gives us a total of four supermoons- three New Moons, in April, May & June, and one Full Moon, in December. The New Moon is an ideal time to welcome new energy and to start something new!In Taurus, beginnings may feel slow... especially so, with many planets still in retrograde, but with Taurus being a fixed sign, these new beginnings are promised to be very powerful indeed. This New Moon will show us the way forward and allow us to feel safe and supported on our journey, wherever it may lead us!We are reminded to relax, go with the flow and to not jump into anything too quickly. Slow and steady wins the race. This lunation is all about improving our quality of life.If we allow ourselves to be guided by this energy, it will lead us to exactly where we need to be in order to be more successful, happy, secure and comfortable in our own lives. When you set your New Moon intentions, be sure to incorporate some positive Taurus dependability, generosity, down to earthness, patience, independence, persistence and ambition. Enjoy the New Moon Supermoon Energy; may it bring you peace of mind, positive change, comfort and joy! |
Kind regards, |