Timing is Everything...
Much success can be achieved by taking advantage of energy when it is available to us and using it when the timing is right. Follow nature's lead and use the cycles of the Seasons to your advantage. Get a Summer Solstice Spell Casting today for any area of your life that you want to make great progress in & use the Summer Solstice energy wisely!
Today, on the Summer Solstice, the Sun is in comfy & cozy Cancer. Not only is the weather warming up, but so are our hearts!
Can you feel it?
The Sun’s entry into Cancer signifies the turning of the season. With the Sun now spotlighting this Cardinal water sign, the next 30 days are a time to turn our attention towards our inner sanctum- our home, family and closest friends.
Emotions can run deep!
Life is pretty amazing while the Sun is in Cancer. Cancer is a deeply sensitive and emotional sign, ruled by the Moon, so we're likely to feel things on a much deeper level than usual. Relationships and connections can be strengthened and taken to another level. We want to nurture and protect those we love at this time more than ever, be careful not to overdo it and smother them! ...Remember, balance.
Soak in the Sun & Bathe in the Light...
Everything feels more alive in the summer! With more daylight, and more sun, it can feels as if there is an endless supply of nourishing light and energy flowing into our bodies and souls...because there is! Enjoy the amazing energy and be sure to store some up for the coming winter.
May the radiance of the sun illuminate your mind and guide you on your path.