A Solar Eclipse brings fresh opportunities into our lives. They are the harbingers of new beginnings. Think of them as extra powerful new moons that can wake up areas of our lives that may feel stagnant or old.
The July 12th New Moon will be a partial solar eclipse in the sign of protective, creative and loving Cancer. This is the first Eclipse we have had in Cancer since 2009, and begins a new cycle that will last until 2020.
Eclipse energy guides us to explore unfamiliar territories and consider new options.
Today's Solar Eclipse New Moon signals the right time to transform something in our life that may be holding us back from happiness and success.
Eclipse energy is always potent as it helps us to elevate our lives to the next level. Expect to be led by our emotions and our hearts.
In order to harness this energy all we need to do is remain open, and allow the Universe to guide us forward. Trying to fight the flow or trying too hard to control things will not go in our favor.
Allow things time to unravel or unfold, being patient is an essential part of this Eclipse energy.
During this lunation, we don't have to worry about what intentions to set or what direction we should be going. We can Simply sit back and allow ourselves to be guided. Surrender to the flow of the Universe!