Today’s extremely powerful Supermoon in Gemini brings an amazing amount of energy as it quite literally lights up the night sky coinciding with Mercury retrograde.

Together the Gemini Supermoon and Mercury Retrograde are a catalyst for positive transformation in any area of our life that we draw attention to.

If you would like for me to Cast a Custom Spell on your behalf, for any intent, book your Casting anytime today or tomorrow before 11:00 p.m. ET. and begin living to your fullest potential.

Tonight's Full Moon is the biggest and brightest Full Moon of the fact it is the only Supermoon of the year!

The Gemini Supermoon will bring things to the surface that need to be dealt with. The key focus being to illuminate the truth, especially when it comes to our true motives and intentions and how we communicate.

Mercury turns retrograde in Sagittarius on December 3rd and will continue to be in retrograde through December 22nd.

The Gemini Supermoon and Mercury retrograde combine to enhance our intuition and better connect us to our emotions. If we use this to our advantage, we will be able to feel what is happening around us and become more in tune with ourselves and others, allowing truths to rise to the surface.


Our thinking is turned inward as we review and re-assess matters. Mercury retrograde periods can be times of heightened inner awareness, when meditation, journaling, reworking old plans, and reviewing past work are favored. Minor breaks in the mechanical aspects of communication can re-connect us to other, possibly more meaningful means of communication.

With the moon full and Mercury retrograde, it is wise to slow down and rest, reflect and reexamine before making any big decisions or moves. It is not the time for hasty emotion-fueled reactions or for making life changing decision.

It is important to question all the uncomfortable and irrational things we feel in our own hearts and minds before judging and pointing fingers at others. We should pay attention to the lessons we need to learn, rather than the lessons we think others might need to be taught.

The retrograde and Full Moon make a timely year-end appearance to force a final push to release harmful or destructive habits, or people from our lives before the New Year. This will allow us to be open to the mysteries and possibilities of a brand new year and all that 2018 has to offer.

The coming weeks are set to dazzle us with some spectacular celestial events.

We will have the Geminid meteor shower on December 14th filling the sky with up to 120 meteors per hour. And, despite the lack of Supermoons in 2017, tonight's being the only one(!!!), January 2018 will offer us two...the first on January 2nd, and a rare, blue Supermoon on January 31st. Let's get bundled up, and get out there to enjoy the night sky...and then back inside to warm up with some hot cocoa and marshmallows.


It's time for a Full Moon Tarot Card Reading...If you need help manifesting your past New Moon intentions this Reading will offer insight and guidance and help identify any actions that need to be taken.

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