The June Full Moon falls on the 27-28th in the earth sign of Capricorn.

The Full Moon is the perfect time for us to reassess our goals to make sure they area aligned with our current energy.

As we grow and evolve, so too should our goals, desires, wants and needs. It's time to make sure ours goals are still relevant, to take inventory & to get rid of any outdated desires that could be holding us back or keeping us stuck where we are.

Full Moons are always a powerful time for releasing and letting go.

If you would like my assistance in helping you manifest your goals, dreams and desires, whatever they may be, I will be available for Custom Spell Castings tonight, as well as to discuss and work with you on any life changes that you would like to make. All orders placed after 10:00 p.m. EDT. will be taken care of the following evening.

Grounded, stable, balanced, determined and hard working are the key words for this Full Moon, and that is exactly where our focus needs to be at this time with this powerful energy upon us.

If anything is slowing us down or holding us back from achieving our goals, now is the time to push past, find our courage and move forward. We are being urged to keep moving, to keep climbing high, even as life gets tough.

No matter what comes up for us around this Full Moon, we should not be discouraged or despaired. Our hard work will pay off as long as we keep motivated and know with certainty, that the only way out is through.

Even though Mars retrograde intensifies the Full Moon, it also allows us to see the pathways that need to be taken in order for us to get to where we want to be.

Be patient, stay grounded and present in the moment, not everything has to be resolved immediately.

After this Full Moon we head straight into Eclipse season, and a whole new cycle of energies. As the intensity of this Full Moon wanes, we will be rewarded by the Universe with something bright and new. Be open to epiphanies and to discovering your true feelings.

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